Thursday, August 22, 2013

Coaching as an Extended State of Awareness

It is often that one gets to experience the range of phenomena and their interconnectedness when dealing with human beings. Coaching is an exceptionally intense zone of insight. Am sharing a few insights from recent coaching episodes that may make for some interest in readers.

1.       Situations are a crucible, not the enemy. If one recalls the Stanford prison experiments this canon is very evident. However, when one moves from one work context to another as in a role change or in a change of employer, the situation does have a strong influence on one’s adaptation. 
      It is not uncommon that the incumbent finds that two employers may share a lot in common with regard to higher purpose values as good for society or causes rooted in spiritual transcendence. It is yet a commonplace occurrence that people from the same profession in either organisation may behave without  reference to the core values, because their immediate concerns are removed from the lofty ideals of the corporation. It is here that the opportunity to dip into one’s beliefs and values become more meaningful than in steady-state situations. 

2.       Placing the Challenge is not as critical as understanding it with acceptance. A very accomplished professional once came to candid confession state when confronted with a very counter-intuitive coaching competence. It is known as activity inhibition. It is the coach that should exercise this competence, yes. Indeed, knowing where the coachee is is critical to placing and positioning a developmental challenge. While it is useful to rely on measurements to get a head-start in developmental focus, several underlying aspects of coachee motive and commitment need calibration from the inimitable rapport that only the coach and coachee can strike between themselves.

3.       Engagement is vulnerability with one’s gremlins. The concept of self can be sealed for one’s own convenience in an elegance of thoughts, but defending that self-concept may be the cost of ignorance when dealing with how others perceive it. It is quite another conundrum that people who love their ability to hold their own and put their facts out there in the open do not even conceive of a stark impossibility in their lives, until of course ‘the’ insight develops. The insight is this : for the fear of annihilation, one holds up one’s own views, blind to the less conscious and more automatic fear – the fear of upsetting others and therefore choosing only the comforting aspects of those relationships.

4.       Listening is an extended state of awareness in Coaching. I am particularly energized by committed coachees who prepare ahead of a coaching conversation. They even send me agenda points before we get talking. I assume they are listening to their own developmental focus and their relationship with their coach. I assume they are keen on listening to the unvisited spaces that the coaching conversation throws up. 
      All in all, the coach benefits in service through listening too. For both, then – listening is an extended state of awareness. Like knowing which metaphors energize the self, and what bodily sensation triggers the old anchors that need overcoming. Like being alive to new sensations in the course of development and watching them for oneself until the new practice or behavior is fully integrated in one’s repertoire.  

Well, many a corporate employee misses out on the fullness of human potential, when their work climates are strung on a fantasy that stock prices activate. It is often a sign of an unaligned set of purposes, values and leadership identity. Behaviors are but a symptom of the deeper meaning of life.

The biological purpose of thinking is to keep us alive, than to be right. This could also cause errors. Nature takes that chance. What choices are you making right now? What aligns your choices anyway?

Monday, August 19, 2013

"Is Psychology Science?" Is The Wrong Question - Neuroskeptic |

"Is Psychology Science?" Is The Wrong Question - Neuroskeptic |

Fundamental questions in the length and style of a blog. Would labels have limits?

Like the recent understanding of the plasticity of the brain reducing the significance of brain hemisphere specialties.

At one level, a brain teaser. At another level a leap into meaning making and philosophical issues.

Language has a way of getting us within and contemplate. Language may also help us relate to others and enjoy human company. But is it language alone at play?

Science may be the method to a kind of knowledge.  What are other forms or methods of knowledge that we have not visited or embraced with similar enthusiasm?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fiction from Fact - the spewing and spawning of Management terms

It has been a week since I attended CII's Annual Innovation Summit in Bangalore. While the impression I got there was of India asserting its identity as a nation where start-ups may thrive, a flash of fads, fleeting interests and uncritical explorations rushed my mind. I’ve known a few terms that a set of intersections between communities have developed over the years. Practitioners, Academicians and Consultants of management have conceived of, discovered and disused terms that language has registered through journals, reviews and news media. The salient among these for me are the following.

1.       BPR – Business Process Re-engineering. It took a long time for people to realise that reduction of process views to values of efficiency did not account for human elements. If the process was reducible, the incidence of human beings attached to the extant process were just that – extant. Scholars with a humane disposition have impressed upon me the roots of this ‘expert’ led philosophy to the detached traditions of related statistical procedures that predated the BPR fad by decades, perhaps even earlier than WW-I.

2.       Theory ‘Z’ – When William Ouchi traced manufacturing shopfloor routines and factory layout enablement in American and Japanese auto majors, he probably realised, that neither American practice nor pure Japanese collectivism by themselves held promise. Yet, he selectively established the significance of the human element in the perpetuation of the firm. It makes me wonder, why there is no such reference of Chinese and Korean models of management to extend any promise of effectiveness into the future. While, the Nano may have been the car for India’s masses, the universalism of western thinking has us believe, that the Tatas went into uncontested market as in a Blue Ocean. Yes, no Indian ‘archetype’ beyond the vernacular ‘jugaad’ labelled the phenomenon on the ground.  Ranjan Acharya would probably be heartily chuckling in the heavens at how after qualifying as India’s earliest Lead assessors for PCMM, the systemic nature of continuous improvements in the knowledge economy has been jettisoned with the convenience that only short-horizon mercantilism can institutionalize in their industries. The leaders of firms with People Capability Model credentials, wear the title like a badge, not knowing the difference between terms such as ‘assessment’ and ‘certification’; validity and reliability, behavior modification and behavior modelling.

3.       TQM – Total Quality Management is probably one of the more enduring management practices, more comprehensive in its embrace of organisational life, and tenure. Again, while the Tatas adopted the Business Excellence mould to adapt the Malcolm Baldridge award criteria to its companies, the idea of the long-term is competitively pitted against the mean aspects of Lean, where the negotiation of results at the bottom-line could take away from the perpetuation of the institution. The proverbial tension between the short-term and the long-term is heightened by the voracious appetite of stock-markets.  Repeatedly finding errors and fixing them (quality control) can result in a high quality product, but it is a very inefficient process. The best approach is to build a quality product the first time. In general, your team can’t build a quality product the first time without quality work processes (quality assurance). Quality Management is a mind-set profession. So is Human Resource Management. Private wealth makers have sided with mammon for short-term security too often, only to be deceived in the long-run to hit the melting icebergs of our planet and the oxygen baths of their megalopolises.

4.       Restructuring is a term that spells the end of corporate careers for seasoned professionals, and spoils the broth being cooked from the effervescence of human ideas. When people play God at the decision-table, their assumption that their idea is right is falsely attributed, in service of the mammon, whose might prevents the heroism that leaders could aspire for. Population ecologists may argue that imitative effects shape the structure of an industry or the internal procedures of organisations in an industrial sector. Yet, the sentience of social systems, and the altruism of the human race stands exposed in brutal irreverence in recent times. Social Enterprise forms seem embarrassing apologies for the compassion of the social sector and the efficiency touting of the corporate creed. Restructuring events are applauded in most economic theory, while their social impact, includes the adverse effects and implications of social disruptions caused by downsizing and other organizational and corporate changes. 

A lack of critical thinking skills among employees compounds the verification and classification of institutional knowledge held by employees at their workplace.

What would you say separates fact from fiction in the work experience you have?